Mandy Damari, 63, has faced an agonising wait of 471 days to be reunited with her daughter Emily (pictured) after the 28-year-old was kidnapped during the October 7 attacks in 2023.
The main idea of the text is the immense relief and cautious optimism felt by the mother of British hostage Emily Damari as she awaits her daughter's release from Hamas captivity. While the news brings joy to friends of another freed hostage, Emily's mother remains hesitant to believe her daughter is truly free until she physically sees her.
The main idea of the text is the immense relief and cautious optimism felt by the mother of British hostage Emily Damari as she awaits her daughter's release from Hamas captivity. While the news brings joy to friends of another freed hostage, Emily's mother remains hesitant to believe her daughter is truly free until she physically sees her.